Alessandra Canjani



My entire life has always been a search to learn the subtlest aspects of our existence. I have always been connected to the energies, and I have already done more than 50 courses and formations as a therapist in different techniques, read a lot of different books and texts, as well as done much researches.

Hello, I am Alê. I am graduated in Publicity and Marketing, specialized in jewelry design. I have chosen this path because I did not want to be stuck in the art that can only be seen up close. Jewelry, however, allowed me to create jewels as wearable pieces of art that complement those who wear them.

The big step happened when the desire to aggregate a greater value was born, collaborating, in some way, to the wellbeing of the people. I started searching for courses about the physio-chemical properties of precious stones and metals, as well as learning about the Sacred Geometry that is inherent to the Universe, to learn through the scientific optics how they energetically operated on people, and then I created Therapeutic Jewels.

This immense curiosity about the mechanisms of life guided me to frequent different religions, philosophies, and to participate in different courses, and study a lot, to learn about the ENERGY, that is the basis of the universe.

Through that, it is natural that I am here today sharing with you the best and the more practical tools that also help me through the days, easing up the connection with the Supreme Spring of Life, and contributing to overcoming the inherent challenges of being human. After all, we are not victims of anything nor anyone, only of our own choices, and knowing how the energies flow, we may choose consciously.

I am in a very special moment where I have managed to align myself completely with my purpose in life, to express it through my work.

With Therapeutic Jewels, Lectures and Workshops, Energy Consults, and through the book that I am writing, I have found what makes me happy.

I wish you’re always vibrating in the energy of Happiness and Love....In Lak' Ech!*

* "In Lak' Ech"

Mayan expression that means:
“I art thou, thou art I
What thou do unto others, thou do to thyself
As thou help others, is as thou help thyself
We are all connected under the Sun.”
When thou help others, is when thou help thyself

Currículo resumido

Summarized Curriculum
» ReikeUsui Levels I, II and III
» Cura Reconectiva I, II and III (Eric Pearl)
» Biopsicologia (Susan Andrews)
» EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques (Horácio Frazão)
» Cabala Hermética (Wanderley Paes)
» Geometria Sagrada (Allan Lopes and Wanderley Paes)
» Respiração de Renascimento (Leonard Orr and Fanny Vann Laere)
» Kryia Yoga de Paramahamsa Yogananda (Paramahansa Prajnanananda Collection)
» O Poder secreto das pedras e dos Cristais (Wanderley Paes)
» Hoponopono (Mabel Katz and Horácio Frazão)
» HQI Homeostase Quântica Informancional (Sérgio Roberto Ceccato Filho)
» Mesa Radiônia (Manoel Mattos)

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CLARIFICATION: The information on this site is not intended to replace medical treatment, nor can it be used as a basis for diagnosis.

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